Website Help

RSS Feeds

RSS feeds provide regularly updated summaries of news and other content from the web. Your Web Browser or RSS feed reader would typically contain a number of RSS feeds, providing a convenient, centralised snapshot of the latest content from your favourite websites.

How to Create / Publish a Built-in RSS Feed

  • Click the RSS Feeds link at the bottom-right of the Planet eStream Homepage.
  • You are taken to the RSS feeds page, showing a list of the built-in RSS feeds. These comprise of the latest content and the Categories.

    Please note: RSS Feeds are updated in real-time and always contain the latest 20 items added to your Planet eStream website, within the Category specified.

    Please Also Note: The content available to you as a user of the Planet eStream system is dependent on a number of factors such as the rating of the content (PG, 18, etc). As such, when a user clicks a link within an RSS feed they may receive a Sorry, you are not permitted to view this item message.

  • To subscribe to one of the feeds shown within Google Reader or My Yahoo, simply click on the Google or Yahoo icons.
  • To subscribe using a different reader, click one of the links shown, or copy and paste the URL into your RSS feed reader.

How to Create / Publish a Custom RSS Feed

  • Click the RSS Feeds link at the bottom-right of the Homepage.
  • You are taken to the RSS Feeds page. At the foot of the page lies the Custom RSS Feeds section.
  • Enter one or more keywords, separated by spaces, and click the Generate button. A URL will appear, as will the Google Feeds and My Yahoo icons.
  • To subscribe the feed within Google Reader or My Yahoo, simply click on the Google or Yahoo icons.
  • To subscribe using a different reader, click one of the links shown, or copy and paste the URL into your RSS feed reader.

QR Tags

  • RSS Feeds include the option to add QR Tags.

    A QR Tag (also known as a QR Code) is a type of barcode that contains an address to a website. When a QR Tag is scanned with a QR Tag Reader on a mobile phone, the mobile phone user is taken to the appropriate website.

Example QR Tag
  • To include QR Tags in any RSS Feed, tick the Include QR tags on RSS Feeds checkbox on the RSS Feeds Page.