Website Help

Sharing / Embedding

Planet eStream content can be shared on Facebook, Google Buzz, Twitter, reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg, or any other website.

Please note: Your ability to Share / Embed content, and the types of share available to you, are based on your Planet eStream user permissions.

Please note: When making Planet eStream content available on any other website, please ensure that the ERA licencing rules are adhered to (if applicable). Please see the ERA licencing Help Page for more information.

Basic Sharing

Basic sharing provides Web Links and Embed Codes that contain default options.

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the content that you would like to share.

  • Select the cog adjacent to any item to view the options panel.

  • The options panel will show a Web Link and an Embed Code. If the Web Link/Embed Code is not present then you do not have permission to share the item.

    Web Link

    A Web Link is a link to the Planet eStream website View Page, the page with the video window on the left, and the details on the right. The link provided is a raw link, and can be pasted into an email as is, or used in HTML with an anchor tag.

    Embed Code

    An Embed Code consists of HTML code that can be copied and pasted in to the source of the webpage where you would like the content to be embedded.

    The webpage will then include a Planet eStream media player showing the item.

    Please note: We are unable to provide specific help or support on HTML, or on the Portal, Website or email where the content is embedded. Please contact the appropriate vendor if help is required in these areas.

Advanced Sharing

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the content that you would like to share.

  • Click the title of the item.

  • From within the View Page, click the Share link. If the link is not present then you do not have permission to share the item.

  • Click either Share by Web Link or Share by Embedding.

Share by Web Link

A Web Link is a link to the Planet eStream website View Page, the page with the video window on the left, and the details on the right. The link provided is a raw link, and can be pasted into an email as is, or used in HTML with an anchor tag.

  • Web Link Options:

    • Unrestricted Access

      The ability for a user on the Planet eStream website to view an item is based on their settings, search filters, and restrictions set within the Planet eStream Administration Console.

      To make the item available to any user, select an Unrestricted Access option for the link.

      Select the time period for which you would like to enable open access to the item or select Disabled to have Planet eStream apply its usual restrictions.

      Please note: The Unrestricted Access options are configurable by Planet eStream administrators and may be hidden.

    • Bypass Authentication

      Select this option to allow the item to be viewed without the user being required to Log-in to Planet eStream.

    • Access Control Lists

      Access Control Lists are used to make the Web Link functional only to specified users or groups.

      Please see the Access Controls Lists Help Page for details.

  • Copy the Web Link provided and paste it in to the source of a webpage, or an email.

Share by Embedding

An Embed Code consists of HTML code that can be copied and pasted in to the source of the webpage where you would like the content to be embedded.

  • Embed Code Options:

    • Enter the desired Width and Height of the embedded Planet eStream Media Player.

    • Select the desired Embed Mode. The default Embed Mode of iFrame is the best choice in most cases and should always be used unless the item is failing to embed as expected.

      Please note: If you are embedding Planet eStream content into Microsoft PowerPoint then we would recommended that you select the Flash Embed Code v10 Embed Mode.

    • Select the desired Window Mode (wmode). The Window Mode determines how the embedded player is rendered within web-browsers. The default wmode of Opaque is the best choice in most cases and should always be used unless you are experiencing issues when viewing the embedded item (such as jerky video playback).

    • If the External Authentication option is ticked, users outside your organisation will be required to Log-in to Planet eStream before being permitted to view the embedded content.

    • Use the Expires option to make the embedded item available for a specific period of time. Select the time period required from the list. Please note: The Expire options are configurable by Planet eStream administrators and may be hidden.

  • Paste the Embed Code HTML provided in to the source of the webpage where you would like the content to be embedded.

    Please note: We are unable to provide specific help or support on HTML, or on the Portal, Website or email where the content is embedded. Please contact the appropriate vendor if help is required in these areas.

How to Embed a Category

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Categories and navigate to the category to be embedded.

  • Within the Category page, click Embed Category.

  • Select the Embed Options

    • Size

      The size of the embedded category.

    • Border Width

      The size of the border surrounding the embedded category.

    • Enable Search Option

      If enabled, the embedded category will include a search bar.

    • Item Selection

      Choose the items that the embedded category should contain.

  • Copy the Embed Code provided and paste the code into location where the Category is to be embedded.